suspended from ebay???

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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2005
Reaction score
Tabernacle, NJ
someone please tell me wtf this is about???

D e a r , [email protected] ,

We reg ret to inf orm you tha t your eB ay ac count has bee n sus pended due
to con cerns we hav e for the saf ety and integ rity of the eB ay com munity.

Per the Us er Agre ement, Sec tion 9, we may im mediately is sue a warn ing,
tem porarily susp end, indef initely susp end or ter minate you r membe rship
and refu se to prov ide our ser vices to you if we bel ieve tha t your
actio ns may cau se financ ial lo ss or leg al liab ility for you, our users or
us. We may als o take these ac tions if we are una ble to ver ify or
aut henticate any in formation you pro vide to us.

Du e to the susp ension of this ac count, plea se be ad vised you are
proh ibited from using eB ay in any way. This in cludes the re gistering of a new ac count.

To rem ove your eB ay acco unt lim itations sig nin and co nfirm your reg istration.

h t t p : / / w w w . e b a y . c o m / w s / e B a y I S A P I . d l l . p h p ? S i g n I n

Safeharbo r Department
eB ay, Inc.

like wtf?? :mad: :mad:
are they serious? has anyone else gotten this?
idk where i would get spam from, i dont give out my e-mail...i have 100% positive feedback on there...but it dont say anything on the site about it so idk...i'll just be like...oh i didnt read it
This message is not from ebay. If you go on the actual site there is a section in help where you can report this message and they willl contact you to confirm it is a fraud. Do not respond to this or go to any links that may be included in the email. Most likely it is someone who is trying to steal your ebay information. I have gotten a few emails similar to this one. They look real but when you check with ebay they are just a scam.
Spam is just internet junk mail and people get your email by aquiring your ip address when you are visiting unsecure sites. It is very common.
shiiit....i responded to them like wtf

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me you did not give that link a CC info, or personal info.


That is a Phishing scam.

To know if you are banned from ebay, log onto My ebay. If you are, they will tell you there.
Yeah, I've heard about these scams to. They will sometimes ask for personal info and **** like that. Their just trying to get some info from ya.