suzuki problem #1

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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2005
Reaction score
ahhh, i forgot to post this lol, last weekend i went to the seminole track again, got in an AWESOME 5 laps, and then the z took a poop on me :'( this is the first problem i've had on this thing and really hope its the last, the carb was full of dirt and we didnt have the tools to fix it( my dad didnt go, he always takes his tool kit) so i paid 25 bucks from my own pocket(huge money issue) just to sit around and watch the dirt bikes jump, i did ride a little bit seeing as my friend let me borrow his z for a few laps, but it sucked, i couldnt reallly ride it like it was mines. I was really hoping to hit that triple they had too :'(
but their is an AWESOME side to this story, my dad took the carb apart, cleaned everything, and cleaned the jets, now this z runs way faster, so a bad day kinda ended up being pretty good. im buying a new jet kit soon so that im positive its jetted right, me and my dad dont think the previous owner did it right.
lemme tell ya, i never had a problem with the warrior ;)
wouldnt make any sense to make a 400 with the 350 and the 450... any engine could be bullet proof depending on my well you treat it!
becuase the yfz and raptor 7000 are about 5k+
warrior 400 could be 4k tops ::)
mine was 5500 with/out tax 4,999 so they would raise the price sence ita a little bigger.. oh and the yfz and raptor are the same price and it was 6400 sumthin ;D or they could be like polaris and just put a 400 sticker on they and call it good