Swing arm bolt...again

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Active Member
Jul 29, 2012
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ok guys I know this has been brought up multiple times about the swing arm bolt being stuck (searched it) I couldn't find the answers I was looking for. My swing arm bolt is stuck and is fused to the inner sleeve, the bolt turns hard even with an impact and wont budge with an air hammer. I was wondering if there was any tricks to get it out? or am I better off cutting it an getting it out on the bench. If so does anyone have one I can buy? if not whats the best place to get one? Also I plan on putting zerks in both swing arm and carrier. Do I drill holes in the sleeves also so the grease hits the axle and bolt? Thanks for the help.
thanks for the offer but I already bought the spare parts, I mostly need to know about the zerks now. seeing as im still in the process of cutting the bolt out.
you don't have to drill holes in the sleeve for the pivot bolt just coat the bolt with anti sieze before installing as for the carrier sleeve you can drill holes in it
does it make sense to drill holes in the carrier sleeve or should it be fine without them? and I just cut the bolt out today and it was bad lol. the bolt completely rust welded to the sleeve and no sign of needle bearings anywhere but the sleeve is all sorts of marked up from them. but thanks ill anti sieze the bolt and put a grease fitting in the housing itself.
Here are some pics of my swing arm bolt that was seized in the sleeve. And there is absolutely no bearings or housing for the bearing left in the swing arm.

