This is what I'll be riding this weekend.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2012
Reaction score
Keysville, Va.
Will be on these trails Friday afternoon, all day Saturday, and all day Sunday. Can't wait!!!!! Already rode the Buffalo Mtn system back in May, this is going to be great. And without any novice riders, I finally get to ride the black trails. I may do the red/black, but will wait till the last day prob. That way I get plenty of practice time in to bring my A game. I will have enternet all weekend, so I'll keep yall updated. Sorry, no gopro like I had planned. Just too many things came up that required money. Between the tips of trails 42 and 19 is where our accomodations are.

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It's a 5-6 hour drive for me. You need to go, it's something you have to do if you ride quads. Plan a vacation around it.
Damn it im jealous, im ridin the whole weekend at Wayne national forest at the end of them month, but i cant wait to ride Hatfield!
wish I could have made the trip Gen
but you'll have fun without me haha
maybe next time hey?
a bunch of guys i know from jackson are going there this weekend, all 4x4 quads tho.
It's something you have to do. It's an absolute blast! No other trails can compare. Been a little dissapointing, because we've invited 10 friends and NONE of them are going. Pisses me off, because everyone has had over 3 months to make plans, and I get is excuses. Well if thats the case, then why do you own a ******* quad!!!! So it will only be my dad and I. Will still be fun as hell though.
DUDE! Your gunna love it!

I ran all of the blue and green. Me and my little bro ran up the start of one red and black #95. Its steep but fun. Most red and black trails are crazy rocky, almost impassable.

Take pics man! Where you guys staying? We stayed in Gilbert and did a day ride out to man, there is a good bar once you get into mann. Killer food and cheap beer/drinks.

I wanna go back now! Hahah You really have no idea how BIG the place is untill you go. Your riding for hours upon hours and not reaching places on the map that you want to reach.
Are you doing this all on sport quads or are you bringing a 4x4? Either way what kind of four wheelers are you bringing?
Yeah dead, I know what you mean. It was that way at Buffalp Mtn. That trail system had a GREAT hill climb section. I can't wait to get out there! Staying at the Do Drop In. Has all the amenities of home, including wi-fi, so I can keep you guys updated. I'll do my best on the pics. Will only have my phone, and maybe a digital camera. I'm the kinda guy who is there to ride, not play photographer. Lol.

Well, I am a senior member of YFM, so I'm bringing my warrior. Also, bringing my 88 honda 300 4x4 as a backup, just incase. My dad has his 1st, last, and only quad, a 99 honda 300 4x4.
Got in around 4pm. Left later than planned. Went for a 2.5 hour ride. And I can tell you this... if you ever plan to ride this system... you WILL need skid plates! I now know why it is called Rockhouse. Because all the rocks in West Virginia are here! Lots of fun. Road for about 30 miles. Took trails 30,42,41,31,33,25,45. And I highly reccomend the Do Drop In lodging. VERY clean, VERY nice owners, has everything you need, and is convently located to the trails.
Still lots of room here... See you in the morning? Brought a spare quad with me. Lol. Going on some black trails tomorrow. It's a bit surreal here. Haven't seen any good hill climbs yet. There were two that I would never attempt. If you can make it up em then your nuts are gargantuin.