Throttle issue

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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2005
Reaction score
Flemington, NJ
I jsut rebuild my nightstalker project and it is up and running, but I'll be riding it around and all of a sudden it just dies, seems to revolve around the clutch, cause once it dies...if I do nothing it will die, if i grab the clutch it saves itself and idles. What could be out of adjustment? I took apart the carb and cleaned it out and ****, made sure all was working properly and it is. Its liek its not getting enough gas. could it be backpressure? I have a whole where the clamp connects to the rear section of the exhaust cause I am missing that bushing seal ****. Any insight?
More insight...The quad runs and idles fantastic! Starts no problems. As soon as I go into gear and get it some gas it dies. Its like it either floods it or is not getting enough gas. I changed the plug, still same problem. When it does die. If I grab the clutch quickly efore it dies, it will go right back to idle and run great!. Even if I am riding and it goes to die If I pull the clutch back it will keep running. This seems to be only at a high rpm. I took the carb apart and cleaned it out good but did not adjust or play with anything. I just made sure the jets were not shalacked up. any further insight???
is there a stock clutch perch on it? if so then thats what he's talking about, if its aftermarket, there should be 2 wires that are connected to a loop on the harness, my quad wouldnt start for this reason.
Can you describe this "perch" I am not getting what your talking about, it is a stock set up. The only wires going to that go to the start button. none go into the parking brake assembly.

clutch perch
check in your harness for 2 wires coming from the same direction that are connected.
Yea the only wires going to the perch go in at the bottom of the start button, or is there a way to disconnect the parking brake wires inside?
I am on AIM if you could help me out directly.
This probably should of been in the quad related question/problems section.... jsut get a block off kit there likt 12 bucks
Yea I didnt look for that section so I just posted where it would get attention, I dont need any block off, just pullin some sick 12's