After many weeks of my wolvy sitting in the shop, and not getting anything done becuase I told them that I had this mysterious power cutting issue, I would ride my wolvy for an hour or so then all of the sudden it would start to cut out at very low rpm's, well I figured it was electrical, when I started it up 3 days later to load onto my truck, it ran perfect, I cancelled my appointment. I went out riding and within half an hour it started to cut out. This time I thought it was my voltage regulator malfunctioning. The guys at the shop said, "we tested everything electrical and it turned out that it was all fine, what it was there was a piece of air filter in my carb that would get lodged in there. Then after it would dry out completely 2-3 days later it would be fine for alittle. Now she runs perfect and I just installed a new Dynojet Kit, runs even better!