Warning labels

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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2006
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
I find it funny where on all ATV's it says "do not operate this machine if you are under the age of 16" and then it mentions something about any ATV over 90cc you should be 16 or older.

I know they probly have that just to prevent lawsuites or something. But c'mon, a 16 year old would BARLEY fit on a 90CC quad.. So I think thats a bit strange!
i think its funny that most ppl under 16 are better drivers then the average person over 16 who has nvr rode a quad in their life but they are still aloud to legally drive it...
warning labels are just something to remove the week after you buy the quad...
well it's been like 7 months since I bought mine! I will probly take them off sometime. actually if it's not hard I could do It could do it today..
LOL my dad just told me it was illegal to take any warning labels off anything. then he says what do you do with the holes!? so what should I do take them off and leave the holes? I don't wanna spend money on stupid things to put on there! I could make something but I have no supplies
Ha, illegal to remove warning labels. You own it, you can do whatever you want with it. Older quads and aftermarket plastics don't even come with warning labels to begin with.

Here's how mine turned out:

Aluminum pop rivets to fill in the holes, and tell me that doesn't look 100 times better than those ugly warnings.
It does'nt look 100 times better. lol j/m, since mines a 98 it had stickers ::) Pressure washed them ******* off
That does look good, I really should do something like that for my yellow z400, I hate how they have suck a deep slot for such a thin sheet.
I think my dad just said it was illegal cause he doesn't want me to do it.. but could I just take them off, put the rivets in the holes? then I can always put stickers in there
Yeah, that's really all there is to it. Drill out the rivets, peel off the warnings and clean the glue residue off (they're glued on as well as riveted) and then pop a few new rivets in there.
ok on most of them they aren't stuck. glue must of worn off or whatever. I will do this maybe today if I don't go over to my friends for band practice
ok on most of them they aren't stuck. glue must of worn off or whatever. I will do this maybe today if I don't go over to my friends for band practice

not that it really matters, but if you didn't take them off yet, then how do you know if they're glued on or not?
they are like lifted off of the plastic on some corners so the glue must of worn off some places where water got under or whatever. but the little ones are glued