warrior quick simple question

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Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2012
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when i go to order somthing off blingstar there is no where it says warrior it just has 660 raptor and all that what stuff fits the warrior
If it isn't listed on the site, then it probably is not available for the Warrior. Seems there are less and less bumpers and grab bars offered for the Warrior.
prm is a brand that makes grab bars and bumpers. im a fan of em and i like DG alloy stuff.
I have a YFZ 450 Blingstar Victory bumper on my Raptor 350. It is a cool looking bumper, but if you ever hit anything they fold like a house of cards. A friend has Blingstar nerfs on his Honda and they are junk. Too thin and lightweight and breaking all the time. Just cheap lightweight junk that only looks good at a sacrifice in durability.