weird clangin sound when turning/reverse

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2005
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this one is gonna be kinda vague so i appologize. i have noticed that when i make a turn, i will hear a quick clanging noise. sounds like if you took too glass bottles and hit them together. it doesnt do it everytime that i turn, atleast i dont hear it everytime. it sounds like it is coming from the ass end. i did notice that on my relay arm, there was some slop in it. i could move it back and forth about 1/8" or so. i replaced the bushings and seals and it took care of that problem. i was hoping that was the problem, but the clang is still there. it will also do it, when i put it in reverse and start to take off. it is as if the parts are sitting in a certain position and when there is a change in the direction of the bike, it will click over to a different position. any ideas as to what it could be? i'm gonna jack it up and see if i can find anything that might be loose.
i can see how it could be the chain when reverse engages/starts to pull, but why would it clink just once in a turn. if the chain was hitting something, you would think that it would happen more than just once.
Loose hub, loose axels, loose swingarm or transmission goin bad which i'd doubt it's the transmission.

Try leaving it on ground, stick it in gear and roll it back and forth, if the tire's jerk a little after the axel has stopped rotating then you have a loose hub. If the tire's stop with the axel, listen close and locate exactly where you hear it at and if it isnt the hub's then get to checking those axel bearings and swingarm bearings.

I know i can move my swingarm from side to side a little but that's because the bearing's are shot and their jammed up not allowing the swingarm bolt to come out.
my swing arm bearings were all messed up and the metal rod wouldnt come out from where the people rode it for a long time with the bearings ruined so we cut it out with a torch and i bought a new one.
if it is that, we allreaddy have a new black pdcoated one so all we would have to do is swap them out, is there any other way to test the swing arm bearings...?
lift the quad in the air by the grab bar and have somone grab the axle and try to move it back and forth, it shouldnt move.
hopefully i will be able to take a look at it tomorrow/this morning. been raining here
just leave the quad on the ground and shove left to right on the grab bar its kina hard to explain but if the bearings are gone there will be a noticable movement.
[quote:8dzxqqj7]lift the quad in the air by the grab bar and have somone grab the axle and try to move it back and forth, it shouldnt move.

thats for the axle bearings i meant the swingarm bearing[/quote:8dzxqqj7]

it works for both, if the swingarm bearings are shot it will move.