I've recently been noticing a sound around the steering stem when turning. There is some play in the steering stem when you move the handle bars from left to right. Anyone know what it is?
i know someone that has a raptor and it does the same thing, check the metal piece on the bottom of the stem, like the metal thing that the inner rod ends go into
Check the bushing/clamp at the top of the stem, the bearing at the bottom of the stem, and look for free-play in the tie rod ends. Or possibly a tie rod end that's not bolted to the knuckle tightly. Or a tie rod that's loose on the tie rod end. It could be anything. Just check anything that moves when you turn the handlebars, it's gotta be something in the steering system obviously.
Im gona guess bearing too but i'll take a closer look tomorow. My uncle had to replace the one in his warrior and if i remember right i think he said they were a bitch to change.