What happended to the old site?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2009
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What happened? I went to my bookmarks to log in to search for something and get some help and ideas and it said it was in maintenance mode? searched google and it got me here, tried to log in and it wouldn't do it, had to reset password.
The old site is all here now. When did you last log in? YFM350 central is now YFM350.com and just has a new look.

Welcome back!
Its been a long time since I last logged in. That might have been it being a yfm3590 central and its now yfm350. I like the new look, now its just a matter of getting use to it and getting around. Wish there was sub forums, like the eletrical/lighting, instead of it being being all wrapped into one. BUt it will take some getting used to.