what have you spanked

Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2005
Reaction score
just wondering what you guys have taken on your 350s ive taken about 10 blasters 300exs a bunch of 4 by 4s and a kid with a piped wolverine
On my 350s ive have taken about the same of what u have....ecspeicialy them blsters, love to pick on them!!!!!!!!!!!
xr 200, vinson, stock 400ex... in a very short field... and thats all i can think of right now... i lost to a scammy 500 by about a half of quad length in a 200 yrad field
xr 200, vinson, stock 400ex... in a very short field... and thats all i can think of right now... i lost to a scammy 500 by about a half of quad length in a 200 yrad field

There is no way in hell you took out a stock 400 with a 12T sprocket on the front bro.
[quote:8gemw3g3]xr 200, vinson, stock 400ex... in a very short field... and thats all i can think of right now... i lost to a scammy 500 by about a half of quad length in a 200 yrad field

There is no way in hell you took out a stock 400 with a 12T sprocket on the front bro.[/quote:8gemw3g3]
he said in a short field, he probably just won in acceleration, i take a slightly modded 400ex off the hole shot but he kicks my ass in topend.
what the hell is wrong with you people? spanking girls and monkeys with an atv? that's vehicular manslaughter!
well ive beat a 500 vinson, 500 quadrunner, 500 arctic cat, 500 foreman, 500 sportsman h.o, 350 wolverine, and i lost to a pro mx cr250r honda.
Countless blasters, a few ATC's, a kid who is a horrible rider on a 400ex, and a 300ex.
[quote:sw8xok0p]xr 200, vinson, stock 400ex... in a very short field... and thats all i can think of right now... i lost to a scammy 500 by about a half of quad length in a 200 yard field

There is no way in hell you took out a stock 400 with a 12T sprocket on the front bro.[/quote:sw8xok0p]

Right it was like a quick little run across this small openin in the trials i got up to 4th and had to let off... he was sneakin up quick tho
3blaster,2 300exs,3 warriors,a yz80(had a ****** rider) and had a close run with a 400ex

i got spanked my my friends yz426f,ttr250,z400 and 2 yfzs and a banshee(that was embarassing,even though i knew i wouldnt win. i was the only person who would take the time and humiliaton(sp) to do it.)haha