[quote:geeq4bqj]This is what Sparky/Macdaddy had to say about it who owns several stroked 700R and bought a 525. He owns Sand Demon Sports where their business is bigbores and does race porting for several big name companies-
"Ok heres the facts. with stock 525 and stock jetting
1st Yes it will beat a bone stock Raptor 700 by about 3 lenghts.
2nd Yes it will beat a 700 with no baffle and no lid by about 1 lenght
3rd It will not beat a 700 with a pipe and filter
4th It will destroy most 450's with bolt ons
The facts with 525 with no baffle or lid on air box and stock jetting
1st It will now trade wins with a 700 with a pipe (but not the 2 with the lte)
2nd It would beat some banshee's
3rd It did get beat by a ltr but the guy wouldnt say what he did to it."
This was a stock 525. When comparing the YFZ450 to the 700R in a drag it is usually agreed that the 450 will jump out in front for the first 3 gears then the 700 will usually go by it. The YFZ engine revs very fast but does not have the hp of the 700R. It takes the 700R about 4 seconds to reach its peak hp.
Now look at the dynos for the stock 525. It takes under 2 seconds for the KTM 525 engine to hit its peak hp but it has very close to the same hp stock as the 700 does. Not only that but the 525 holds its hp way up into the revs unlike some of the other bikes that lose their hp at 7000 rpm. The 525 engine will rev close to 10000 rpm.
Here is another video of a 525 and some 450's