Well-Known Member
So a month or 2 ago i was riding and it was REALLY muddy. I got home and went to drive my quad out to the garage and it wouldnt start. I have cleaned the carb changed the plug, checked every connection i can. It turns over but will not fire and when i tested for spark i didnt see any but i dont know if i was testing right. I also dont know if im getting fuel. The plug is never wet but mayube the spark is burning the fuel but just not starting. its got me confused. my first question is how do i check for spark properly? How do i check if im getting fuel. Is my coil bad maybe? The orange wire that connects to the coil i tried hooking a test light up to it and to ground and didnt seem to be getting power. then i hooked a wire from that orange wire to the sparkplug still nothing. and thats where im at.The orange wire goes to a black box next to the cdi under the rear fenders. what is this black box? and did i do a proper test on it or how should i test different things? Im not too good with electronic stuff thats why i have kickstart only bikes and quads usually. any help or suggestions on what the problem is or how to test to find it would be greatly appreciated. i really dont want to take it to the dealer because they're a bunch of dicks