What the hell is with this chain?!!!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2005
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smAlbany NY

Last weekend (before the wreck) I took a linkout of the chain and had it adjusted PERFECT!

The I rode it- maybe 2 hrs until the wreck. Then yesterday Warriorspeed tells me the chain needs adjusting.

WTF?! It's wicked-loose! How the hell does this keep happening???

It's just the two carrier bolts and the adjusters, right???

I can't get the damn chain to stay tight. And it can't be stretchign THAT much.....

Any thoughts????
The lock nuts on the adjusters may just be rattling loose then the adjusting screws could loosen also. Try putting a dab of lock-tite on the base of the thread where the lock nut butts up against the metal. Sorry is the only thing comming to mind.
The adjuster bolts won't matter after you tighten the carrier bolts. I had a similar problem with the carrier slipping out of position, except my chain was actually getting too tight. Just put some hellish torque on the carrier bolts and it shouldn't come loose again, at least that worked for me.
.... Just put some hellish torque on the carrier bolts and it shouldn't come loose again, at least that worked for me.

Tried that- WITH LOCKTITE!

Anyone know the actual torque spec for the carrier bolts?? Can't get to my manual right now.
why can you get to it, its where it belongs(for a change)

we have had problems ever sence the old chain snapped (the dealer welded it together)

we put this one on and it streched so we tightened it (was all the way tight)
so we take a link out and its loose again......WTF!!!!
Did you change the sprockets with the chain? Old sprockets + new chain = stretched and worn out new chain.
[quote:dgvknxmi].... Just put some hellish torque on the carrier bolts and it shouldn't come loose again, at least that worked for me.

Tried that- WITH LOCKTITE!

Anyone know the actual torque spec for the carrier bolts?? Can't get to my manual right now.[/quote:dgvknxmi]

A **** load ft-lbs. That’s what I usually put on it, **** the torque wrench for this one - tighten the hell out of that *******.