What web browser's you use or prefer?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2009
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I use firefox 3.6.13 have been using firefox for a long time. Use to use IE but it got bad, now there is google chrome. I haven't ever used it, till a little the other day, and all I can say is damn, it faster than firefox. I have a wii homebrew site that runs slow as hell in firefox but is fast in google chrome. I do like the add on's for firefox, really like the add blocker and smooth wheel for the mouse. I don't know much about chrome, what do you guys and think? What do you like best?
Wow alot of us use firefox. Has anybody had any problems with it, crashing or running slow sometimes? It is pretty cool it will save your pages and tabs and restore where you last left off.
A guy at work thats a computer geek said he didn't like chrome was too much like IE too many security issues, more likely to get virus's. Don't know if anybody has had any problems with that or not.
anything google sucks! owned by microsoft! and we all know the only think MS did right was Xbox and Bungie. i still use XP cause the vista and windows 7 reporting back to MS on what your doing every 15 min.
Didn't know google was owned by MS. I would like to still use XP but like vista once got use to it, I like the sidebar vista has.
just wait till Chrome starts adding useless garbage and makes it a CPU hog like firefox is.
google chrome and i have never had any problems with it .... and windows 7 rocks you just have to turn off ms monitoring .... ps winblows xp sucks big time
again.. everything goggle does sucks.. i use yahoo for everything. everything microsoft does sucks (except xbox and halo) but it's life! and it's hella lot better than mac
Yea mac sucks yahoo ain't no better, anytime you install something with yahoo they put that damn toolbar in or some other crap. But then again most do that any way.