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Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
Cooper city, Florida
i was wondering what jet you raptor 350 guys are runing with a HMF??? i was also wondering what jet size i should install on my rappy 350 with a HMF ???

On a warrior you would go from a 145 to a 147.5 or 150. You will need to probably go up one size on your pilot jet as well. These numbers are based off of a simple slipon and filter addition. Don't expect to just set it up the same as someone elses, every motor is different and you'll need to do some adjusting no matter what unless you are verrry lucky. I would buy the next two jet sizes though to start with. You'll find it easiest to start rich and lean it out until it's too lean and then richen it back up slightly. That will help you find the optimum power output. A slightly rich mixture will bog you down quite a bit...