I keep reading how wonderful the Edelbrock carb is. Can anyone tell me what makes it so great. I understand that you can adjust your mixture a lot easier, it makes more power and has better throttle response. How does it make more power? Is it simply larger in diameter, which is the only thing I can think of? Why is the throttle response better?
Please be as technical as possible, I am literally working on new carburetor designs daily. BTW, does anyone know if Walbro or Tillotson ever made a high performance carb for our engine? I have contacts at both places and might be able to get a deal.
Please be as technical as possible, I am literally working on new carburetor designs daily. BTW, does anyone know if Walbro or Tillotson ever made a high performance carb for our engine? I have contacts at both places and might be able to get a deal.