Why does the Edelbrok Carb make more power?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2005
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I keep reading how wonderful the Edelbrock carb is. Can anyone tell me what makes it so great. I understand that you can adjust your mixture a lot easier, it makes more power and has better throttle response. How does it make more power? Is it simply larger in diameter, which is the only thing I can think of? Why is the throttle response better?

Please be as technical as possible, I am literally working on new carburetor designs daily. BTW, does anyone know if Walbro or Tillotson ever made a high performance carb for our engine? I have contacts at both places and might be able to get a deal.
The edelbrock carb flows better due to Velocity and decreased air turbulence. The only thing in the carburetor creating ANY turbulence is the needle less then 1/8" thick. The carburetor body itself is molded for flow, coupled with the flat slide and the rounded backing to the needle it flows like a 38mm but is a 36mm! Also being able to fine tune the mixture so precisely contributes to more HP as well. Many of the times with the edel you can get your mixture DEAD ON in any condition when you find the right needle. When the "jetting" is that accurate your going to get the maximum HP vs. a traditional carb that cant be adjusted on the fly or anywhere near as precise with out some damn good time spent on it; any improper jetting can actually cost you a ton of HP! Then last but not least you have the massive accelerator pump on the edel, it is also very fine tunable and gives you that crack the throttle response.

400EX stock carb:

Vs. Edelbrock:
So it has needles for the idle and main circuits instead of fixed jets right? How do you adjust the mid range needle on the fly?

I need one.......
There's only one needle. There's only 2 ranges to adjust: idle-1/3 throttle, and 1/3-full. Idle-1/3 is adjusted by shutting off the engine, removing the seat, opening up the throttle all the way, and turning an adjuster on the top of the carb to raise or lower the needle. 1/3 to full is changed by swapping the needle for a different size. That's really all there is to it, much simpler than the stock setup.
That is correct ^. The easy access to the needle adjuster allows you to adjust your jetting depending on your current conditions with little or no tools and never removing the carb from the bike! Say one day its a little colder then average, you can richen up the fuel mixture in less then a min with one click of the adjuster!
Running this carb makes me want to stick MY DICK in the mashed potatos!!! ;D
Take my hannnnd, no the other one, that one's not strong enough!!! -scary movie 2- ;D :p