wont start (not simple)

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well anyways i think it would be real nice if deathshadow made a sticky post concerning this for those of us that dont get the piece of paper when we buy aftermarket.... i know we arent the first and im sure we wont be the last.... if nothing else maybe the next guy will get his running without spending hours upon hours checking and rechecking wires... and buying new cdi's and coils
Sorry mang....I gatta agree with Jason on this one man. And I've been around long enough to know that this has come up before. Also deathshadow is only just that anymore......just a shadow, only us mods control the forum now. Phelphry hops on every once and a while but for the most part there are about 5 main mods on here that do the forum direction and controlling. But if the topic ever comes up again feel free to go and suggest switching the wires around. My theory has always been, try all things and the if all else fails go and spend some money.
Can someone tell me what karma stands for ? I see I have one and have no clue wtf it means lol
Dude....you seriously don't know what Karma is? Google it, then I think you can draw your conclusion.
never heard of it on a member forum DUDE ! new to this site so didnt know what it stands for !
Karma is basically just a feedback system. Positive karma means you've probably helped someone out enough to make them take the time to give you some positive feedback, negative probably means you pissed someone off.

It's not a big deal, but usually negative karma means you should take their advice with some discretion, most likely they're an ******* or a bullshitter. And in the same way, positive means that person has probably been giving pretty good advice thus far.

Make sense?

And Deadlast, you're an ******* lol. You should get some negative karma for a reply like that. What a dick...
HEhehehheheh....sorry bro's, I just though t it was kinda self explanatory OR errrgh, uh....Just givin a prime example of a negative Karma response....Yeah thats it.