WOW what a difference!!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2011
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so I replaced the clutch cables yesterday on the 01 and 02 wars and holy hell like a new machine clutch works great shifts like a dream and neutral is easy as pie to find when she's hot plus the clutch isn't slipping anymore and they don't take off right away when put in reverse with the clutch pulled like with the old cables.those old cables must have been horrible who would have known a $12 clutch cable could make a 10 and 11 year old warrior like new again WOW!!!
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Anyone know what size the C-clip that locks onto the clutch lever shaft on the motor is??? I noticed the 01 is missing it
I know what you mean. I replace mine with a pro-motion terminator when i did the rappy mod. Also went with a shorty lever with the bearings, off a 97' wr-250. Couldn't believe it was the same clutch in it.
Same thing happened to me. Thought i needed clutch and ended up being cable. At least you have some back clutches now.:iagree:
Yeah forsure N3VER back up clutches are nice to have and thanks NeVER got the clutch kit today in mail still gonna put the new clutch and extra steel in the 02 WHEN? I get my modded cover and do the oil cooler while it's all apart
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Just go to a parts store or hardware store and get an E clip or snap ring assortment. That will work for ya. Never know when you'll need more of them in the future.
yeah hardware store is only 4 blocks from my house lol but damn I'm sicker than a dog right now and just not feeling up to it :tdown: