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Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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  1. D

    best place to buy tires?

    A local shop will price match rocky mountain and it would be better to put business through them anyway. Call and ask them about it
  2. D

    for sale:Used Kenda klaw tires

    Yea actually i do. Its painted black and has a couple dents in it but both rubber plugs are on the ends. 20$ + shipping?
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    2007 raptor 350

    thats not snow.... thats a light dusting
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    adding extra steel to clutch question

    Switching oils could have had an effect. Although i had the same problem a while back when i switched to valvoline about a month later my stock plates were slipping. Since then ive been pretty loyal to amsoil. Except on my rebuild i ran regular old pennzoil for 2 tank fulls.
  5. D

    for sale:Used Kenda klaw tires

    I have had this set around for a while just collecting dust and i hate to see them go to the dump I took em off because i got a set of 20" bandits closeout priced. They have about 65-75% tread. Size 22x11x9. Great tires yet. Have 1 plug and both hold air perfect. Can get pics if you want...
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    First time racers @ big game raceway.

    Just something i wanted to throw out there... i think you would have done better in this race on like a 400 big bear 4x4 than even a yfz haha.
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    DMC Alien Exhaust

    I always wanted one of those haha
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    Banshee rear shock air box

    If you dont want it to leak the fill the bottom of the box with window caulking. Put a good heavy bead of grease around your lid o ring too.
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    Forced air intake

    hahaha Even if you could find a way to do it on a rancher..... your never going to notice a major increase in power. And the warrior is the same way.... pop the airbox lid off and get a clamp on thats about the most power your going to get out of airbox mods.
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    skidplate message.

    i know the first thing i want to do when im bored is pick up a sharpie and draw on random ****
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    Gas Mileage/Range?

    50 miles safely on a tank full
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    Banshee rear shock air box

    I just cut a square out of the bottom and left it like that. If water is getting through the bottom then water is most likely getting through on top.
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    Handlebar Risers

    Why the hell would you want to make your bars that much higher...... i always wanted mine lower than stock if anything.
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    Heelguard Option

    Making your own out of a sheet of aluminum is your best option... its cheaper and looks good
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    Case Leaks....what to do

    Do not put a sealer in it. Your going to mess your clutch up. Proper way would be to split the case.
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    F'ing valve seals!

    When i compressed my valves i used a big c-clamp and the open end of a wrench. It was the only way i could get em.
  17. D

    Graphics Kit

    Those prices are expensive for a couple cheap pieces of sticker to cover my hood. Full name brand sticker kits that cover everything and include a seat cover go for like 139.
  18. D

    Case Savers...

    It doesnt really matter what you put on it its still not going to protect your case that much. The warriors design just doesnt allow it to be protected. If you make the case saver too strong its just going to snap the bolts.. most likely the bottom one. Not strong enough and it will just bend...