Case Leaks....what to do

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Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2007
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I buit my warrior and finished up not to long ago and have just started to put some time on it. Ive noticed that when I let it set, overnight an oil sport appears under the case on the ground. I thought at first that it was a bad oil plug which it was so I replaced it but the oil is still coming out. Further investigation lead me to believe that the case seal is bad underneath. Is there a quick fix for this? Can I use engine oil sealant.
I mean sealer on the outside, how would that mess the clutch up?

He was responding to the last line in the original post (about engine oil sealant)
The best stuff I've used to seal cases on my quads/bikes was 515 Flange sealant. This stuff works great, used is on my Bro's warrior and it didn't leak a drop.
Split the cases, clean off both halves, apply a THIN layer of the 515, and put it all back together. Done right you won't have anymore problems.
Run down to your local auto part store and get you a can of Spot Weld. Great stuff, just spray it on and instantly bonds the metal together.