Forced air intake

Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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New Member
Mar 1, 2008
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I saw a guy that made some what of a forced air intake coming off of his snorkel on a honda rancher. He said he could tell a major difference in power and responce. i was wondering if this would help anything on a warrior
I really doubt it. These motors aren't that powerful, they already get enough air from an open airbox and K&N filter.

Even if you could find a way to do it on a rancher..... your never going to notice a major increase in power.

And the warrior is the same way.... pop the airbox lid off and get a clamp on thats about the most power your going to get out of airbox mods.
It wont do anything.

Ram-air systems require the vehicle to be going at least 55-60mph to even get started.

They require a pressurized airbox system with the appropriate MAF/MAP type sensor setup, as well as calibrated computer control to meter fuel ratio, advance, etc.

These type of systems are best realized with Fuel Injection (which must be specifically made for RA).

It has been done with a few carburetted systems, but they were quite simplistic (though still designed accordingly), and not a s efficient compared to Fuel Injected systems.
It's not going to work dude we don't ride fast enough as Griff stated to take advantage of forced air.