1984 honda xr200r

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Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2010
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so im getting my xr200r back from the cops (long story) i havent seen it in three years and i was young when it got gone. i was just curious if anyone can tell me anything about it? how fast do they go? whats some good mods? hows the handleing? stuff like that. any advice would be helpful. maybe some pics of urs? thanks, driftking
I got caught racing.. Who woulda know street racing dirtbikes and quads was illeagle...
yeah i had an 83, the 84 is kinda rare among the xr 200's it was the only four valve twin carb model. they well go around 70 ish. mine seemed kinda geared a bit high so i added one tooth on the front. as far as aftermarket part there really isnt much, the stock suspension is pretty good, you have rebound and preload adjustment on the rear, and th front froks can be adjusted with an air comppressor. the bike had a 6 speed transmission and the max power was rated at 30 hp at 9000rpm
well.... it didnt have a title..annnddd someone said it was theres.. but i just now proved that i bought it and the guy was lying.