2 stroke YZ 250 on a Warrior.

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'00 WO-YA!

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2011
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley, between the Blue Ridge mountain
Well, after pining for performance from my engine & just not getting the results & feeling a bit skeptical as to whether or not I'm gonna get what I want out of it, I'm strongly considering converting a 2 stroke YZ 250 engine the Warrior. I love this quad but it's power is ugh! I'm sorry, it's true:( so has anyone seen done or have personal experience with retroing a YZ 250 to a WO-YA!?!
The swinger bolts into the back of a Blasty engine & it's a bit small. I need something that can overcome the weight of the Warrior. Not taking anything away from the 200/240, I just had some badass results from some work I've done on one, real happy bout that. We had a modded Tri-Z 250 back in the day so I don't care about counterbalance, lol!
the tri z is counter balanced the yz isnt id personally get a dt200 2 stroke and 240 kit that and hold on to ur britches cuzz its going to leave in a hurry
BECAUSE ITS NOT COUNTER BALLENCED! lol it will beat you and the crank to death the dt is the liquid cooled power valve big brother to the blaster 200 and everything the blaster can do this can just about dubble it

stock blaster stock dt 200
hp 17 hp 37
tq 13htlbs 24ftlbs
Hmmmmmmmmm!!!! I like the sound of that! Where should I look for the big bore kit, pipe, etc man? I'm open to engine swaps right now, just gotta find the right one, right price. Love to have a 450 engine just not sure of how much trouble it would be.
Counterbalanced 2 stroke?

Four stroke yes, 2 stroke no...

Mount that biotch up and ride! Just don't try an EX500 swap...
counterbalenced 2 stroke yes ive been in and out of these more then i can count they have counterbalencers so as for the equipment for the dt200 ann the pipes and reeds and such for the blaster fit the dt the crank cases have the same part number! but you must run a dt200 wiring harness too they are a little harder to find because they are euro motors but they can be had ive heard they bolt strait ur to blasters but ive never tryed one before i wish i had one ive got a blaster roller that would be awsome to play with
i think that a yz250 swap would be sweet. you might want an antivibe stem and some flexx bars to help out on the vibes from the motor but man it would fly. Also a blaster motor with a 240 kit would also be super fast. i've owned a big bore blaster and it was too fast for its own good. the blaster suspension just sucks and the wheelbase is too short. a warrior platform would be much better in the end. and it wouldn't be that much heavier than a blaster i'd say maybe 30lbs more. i've been thinking bout a 2stroke swap into my warrior also. mine just doesn't even compare power wise to my lt250r. when i get off the warrior and jump on it, its like i've got warp speed lol
Ya the viberation from the motor would kill the frame and crack it all over. Maybe if you used urethane or stiff rubber on the motor mounts it would deaden all that. I still think a ported 240 or 260 blaster motormwould be sweet, they have lots of potential, are cheap and air cooled
I keep playing with the idea of a yz426 motor like bryanquad did. good thing for me Im close enough to him to go for a ride and get all the ideas from him. Theres a couple full bikes close to me for what I could drop into a full biuld.
i might look into a build with a wr426 or wr400 motor so i can still have electric start. the early 4 speed yz450 motors are nice too, the gearing is perfect on a quad