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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2006
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Edison, New Jersey
This is the fucken ******** we have to deal with in our state. These fucken Liberals will stop at no cost to ruin any fun a tax payer can have. Their argument is over us destroying the land, endanged spieces and protected forests. I didn't know a 5 foot trail would do so much damage. These people need to get a life! :mad:

That's ****** up that they have a contest to get people to send in photo's.
Them trail's don't even look that bad.
That's like the trails where i ride except they don't care for 5 foot wide quads just big ass trucks.
Haahahha, that site is nothing.....Ill do some searching and find the main Anti-ATV site...its freakin ridiculous! And those photos are crap.....Id think they have a panic attack/crying fest if they were to look at Wellsville of places similar of attend any GNCC or local XC race. Freaking tree ****** hippy ****.

in the one photo douche bag man is kneeing next to a CHAIN SAW?????? I an never seen a ATV take out a tree the size that a chain saw could.

All the more reason to attend local gov't meetings and make a presence known for having funded off highway parks, I do what I can here in Ohio to attend any of the ONDR meetings and believe it ir hot we are actually getting somewhere. That and don't act like an ass all the time when you ride.
That is ****** up,we have roads that get worse than that each spring.
I can't stand the tree huggers when they do **** like this. I don't have any problem whatsoever with someone trying to conserve the environment, that's great. I love the outdoors and hate to see it abused and destroyed but i'm not a damn tree hugger. What I can't stand is when they do it with the goal of taking away other people's priveliges like you're showing on that masterpiece of a web site, for things that are not threatening the environment in any real way.

A few years ago there was the big battle over Paragon (greatest riding spot in PA) getting shut down because the land owner we were renting the property from decided to break off our 25 year agreement in less than 5 years so the land could be sold for millions. I heard they had settled on around 110 million for our land.

The damn environmentalists were fighting AGAINST us because we cut down a few trees to make trails, and every once in a while some oil might get spilled on the trail from a punctured oil pan. They completely lost sight of what the land was before we got it, and what the plans were going to be if we lost the land.

First, this particular 5,000 acre plot of land is retired coal mines, like much of the land in Pennsylvania's coal region, and Paragon worked with environmental agencies and cooperated in installing filtration ponds to remove all the damaging impurities washing out of the mine shafts into the streams. The land was in far better shape even with jeeps and quads traveling it daily than it was 5 years before, with toxic runoff and open mine shafts and anything else you could ever imagine in a mining area.

And even worse, the environmentalists were so flat out stupid that they didn't consider that any other use of the land would be far more damaging to the environment. What sounds worse to you guys, land that is 95% untouched, or having the entire 5,000 acres completely leveled and asphalted to make it into a cargo airport? Hmmm... i'm thinking that trails and off roaders have a signifigantly lesser impact on the environment than leveling 3 mountains, and turning it into nothing but concrete with cargo jets taking off at sound levels over 140 decibels every 10 minutes.

Few things in my life made me seriously consider a killing spree more than those damn environmentalists did. They don't even think about it, one sees a broken twig and screams murder and the other 5 thousand of them grab their picket signs and come running without even considering what would be in the best interest of the environment. Aside from land being completely untouched, what could the land be used for that impacts the environment less than off roading? Yeah, camping, mountain biking, that's about it. Anything else would involve complete desctruction of the environment.

Right now Paragon would probably be nothing but an asphalt wasteland if the economy didn't take a dive. Now the land development is going nowhere but they won't let us have it back just because they don't want to back down and admit it was a bad idea. Word on the street is that the land isn't being patrolled though, and there's places to park and ride there still. I'm normally not one to ride without permission but I have absolutely zero repsect for the property owner anymore so I'm going to look into it some more and try to get a ride going there sometime. I'm thinking the first time I go up i'm going to trailer my dual sport up there, park at a shopping center a couple miles away, and ride the bike out to the trails from there to check it out. Then if somebody does give chase i'll have no issues getting away either, let's see somebody try to keep up with my bike in a jeep or 4x4 quad on the street, it'll never happen.

It's all a bunch of tree hugging hippie crap.
Nooooooooo don't even say it's so. Fucken A man we were planning on going there once we got back from vacation in two weeks. This blows fucken dick, were the **** are we gonna ride these things. I'd like to line em up against a wall and start shootin.

I know a lot of you guys are young on this site, but I'm gonna say this, our freedoms and liberties are being taken away from us by these liberal democrats one by one. My poor son may not be able to do **** by time he is my age. Were in a lot of trouble folks. :'(
dave76 said:
Nooooooooo don't even say it's so. Fucken A man we were planning on going there once we got back from vacation in two weeks. This blows fucken dick, were the **** are we gonna ride these things. I'd like to line em up against a wall and start shootin.

I know a lot of you guys are young on this site, but I'm gonna say this, our freedoms and liberties are being taken away from us by these liberal democrats one by one. My poor son may not be able to do **** by time he is my age. Were in a lot of trouble folks. :'(

Dave I totally agree.
The liberal's will **** us.
dave76 said:
I know a lot of you guys are young on this site, but I'm gonna say this, our freedoms and liberties are being taken away from us by these liberal democrats one by one. My poor son may not be able to do **** by time he is my age. Were in a lot of trouble folks. :'(

F'in A man......theses hippy butterfly and grass loving **** have been around every since motocross and rec. riding gaining ground and a following back in the 60's and 70's. Its just that they have always kept with it and us riders really haven't bonded up to battle against them. Only reason they have a foot in the door is because they took the initiative and stuff with it. What we all need to do is voice our opinion and give our side of the story. I know of plenty of gov't and those kinds that love the lifestyle as well, they might be few and far inbetween but they deff. are out there.

The snowmobilers have tones of legal riding spot all through out the country all because they banned together long ago and stuck with the fight.

If you want places to ride and want your youth to have places to ride.....make your stand now and voice your need to your local organization and don't give up the fight. It will take a while but its worth the wait.
I work in law enforcement and every time I get an ATV complaint I take my time....these people don't know NJ man...NO legal place to ride....they are workin on something in little egg harbor dave...go on craigslist there is a post about a ATV park meetings...One step at a time...this state needs to get on board like WV they are boosting thier economy because of thier trail system......they do it for snowmobiles and horse riders....they build roads for cars.....a trail is the same thing for a quad.......thats why I went and bought the banshee...catch me if you cannn
Ten years ago, when I used to ride, there were a few sites dedicated to stopping ATV recreation by setting ****ie-traps on the trails. It was insane. They showd how to cover a deep trench, how to hang a cable across a trail, and even how to use an old television picture tube as an exploding device!

I don't feel that a trail, that is a dedicated riding trail, is hurting the environment. And even if it were, is saving a frog or a plant REALLY worth possibly killing a human??? Tree huggers are crazy, simple as that.
someone should take a photo of there dick and send it to them lol
yep i dont even like looking or reading stuff like this because i get so mad i ponder going on a killing spree over those mother fuckers, thank god its not to bad here in WV.
atleast in WV, you guys can ride without being hassled and have parks to ride. here if a cop even sees a quad in a truck they will follow as far as they can jus to try and see where youre going.