give it a year, maybe two, and your gonna regret getting a blaster, your young right now, but a quad is a semi-major investment. If your planning on modding something you do not want to dump a huge amount of money, and find out its not really what your looking for. I know I can't aford to mod a quad and than sell it right away, I have to bust my ass to make my money so I can have my toys, and I look for whats going to suit me best a few years down the road. The blaster is a fun quad I have to admit, its a snappy, small, 2 stroke, and if you mod it, it can be very quick. My friend has one modded (not sure of what he has done to it) but its hard to keep the front end down. Kids soo scared that hes going to 12 it and than bust his **** its not even funny. And now that hes 16 and is way overgrown for it, hes looking for something new. All I'm trying to say is that your not going to be happy with it a few years later. And plus how much do you know about 2 strokes? I have been told that they are the bitchiest engines alive. They have to be jetted constantly for weather, and can be a pain in the ass. Unlees you adore jetting, I suggest staying with a fourstroke, they are often more reliable and don't need to be jetted constantly. Sure you can get a 2 stroke to run ok in winter, but you really should rejet it. And if you do get a blaster, have fun kickstarting it. You'll really miss an electric start.