i know theres been a post on here about this but i cant seem to find it. i was looking around for a arms and found full flight ones for a reasonable price. are these any good or should i go with the ASR ones?
The only thing I have against the full flight a arms is they arnt heim goints so they can't get asmuch suspension travel but more width is always better
I've been reading about both heim and ball joints and from what I've read heim joints have more movement but since they are exposed they don't last as long and require more maintance then ball joints. I haven't used heim joints, just what I've read online
you wanna look for self lubricating heims, which ASR sells on there arms. The last longer the regular heims but not as long as rubber contained ball joints. Heims are stronger though and do have better movement.
Of ASR, wicked and Full Flight (three best arms for warriors) it think only ASR offers heim ends.(?)