a girl from school

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Rule #1:
Do not let your e-life and r-life mix.

The interweb is not the best place to get relationship advice.
Rule #1:
Do not let your e-life and r-life mix.

The interweb is not the best place to get relationship advice.

lol....but it's a good way to find out what not to do!
dude yes girls play games alot and change their minds like they change their underwear. just dont get to connected to them. ;)
Ever heard the motto: Date a stut, marry a virgin? A lot of girls are the same way. Some will make you wait only if they are interested, and give it up immediately if they aren't.
where is the kid that started this thread n/e ways??

Snivvling in his pillow because she sent her friend over to his lunch table to tell him she didn't really like him, she was just trying to make his best friend jealous!
lol ... fricken females its that pussy if they didnt have a damn pussy theyed but like us........ NORMAL!
this is for ATV's...nobody cares about your bitch problems...

Kenny P...BITCH!
olny if they use their mouth more often for somthing other than talking nonstop

oh and sorry sexy99worrior and quadracer but some of us can get some unlike you guys.. ::) ::) :)