any one have pics of mx warriors or raptor 350's??

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HAHAHA that is ****** hilarious. I think about that all the time though. like our parents don't waste enough money on us kids, but then some of us ask for a fourwheeler which could cost between $5,00 - $11,00 roughly.. depends if its used / sport or utility or w/e. so just have fun with what you got man, cause there is some people who are stuck riding ****** ass things or no quad at all. savin up to buy a pipe yourself isn't bad. in this summer ive bought a $699 dollar Trek 4300 mountain bike (disk brakes, aluminum frame) and that left me with 100 bucks cause my dad bought my Haro stunt bike off me for 200 bucks. i now have $475 dollars saved up JUST from cutting grass. I am not going to be buying anything aftermarket for my quad because other things are more important. quadding is just for fun!! haha, enough of my ********! your lucky that your parents bought u a brand new raptor. which was about 6 grand? i dno how much american it costedm, just guessing. my dad bought me a 2002 warrior for $3,200 canadian which would be cheeper american. dad didnt want to spend all the money on a new one. but hopefully you get the point.

**** that was a lot of typing!
LOL!!! glad to see that im not the only one who feels that way about little brats! i can maybe understand getting upset about not being able to have a pipe, but when you think about it, its kind of a waste because you will probably end up with a new quad that mommy and daddy will buy for you or, since you dont pay for your own **** and probably dont appreciate it, it will end up getting messed up because you dont take care of it or just dont care because you didnt foot the bill! as for me, yes im 21 years old and still live with my folks, but its probably the best idea for right now since i work full time and go to college full time (nursing) so there is no way that i would be able to support myself. to top it all off, my girlfriend and i are going to be having a baby in march, so say hello to more bills!!!! all i know is, if my boy ever gets the same attitude that mclarenkid has, im gonna put him on his ass (like his daddy probably should)! have a good day guys, i gotta do some statistics homework and go get drunk with my buddy (its his B-Day!!!) later yall!
Seriously boys...take it from me man. It is different when it really is not yours. You learn to respect things alot more when they are yours. Hey man it is nice that your parents can afford to buy things like that for you(my parents could but didnt). I'd say consider yourselves lucky but I acctually consider myself lucky. I grew up quickly and I had to learn how to make it on my own at an early age. Its going to slap spme of these kids in the face when they decide to move out or think they can move out. Im telling you what though RESPECT YOUR PARENTS...I mean comon they are willing to spoil you the least you can do is respect them you can help out. Dont freaking B*tch at them. Sorry for the preaching but comon guys think about it
Talk about some serious MX on a budget...

niice. but I think it would look better if it had at least something you could call a fender on the front :p
niice. but I think it would look better if it had at least something you could call a fender on the front :p

If your racing it, it's better to take the front fender's off so you won't be leaning toward's the front to get it landing on all four's. With fender's it want's to land on the rear's and sometime's when your off level the air pushing up on the front fender's will cause your quad to lean in the air making it land on one side which does hurt after a while.

I've been expierancing pain in my ankle's (expically the right) from landing on one side alot.
uneven landing could be to uneven air in my new vid where my brother flipped (he had one close to flat tire)
hey what is the axle on that yamaha350r?? is it a durablue also do you get tons of spray from those fenders cut?? i wanna cut mine badly but i do a lot of gncc type riding with tons of mud do you recomend it??
hey micheal, wanna trade for my 'o2 warrior? :)

haha, I love the way raptors look.

you gunna get any mods done to it!?