any one use exhaust wrap?

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Feb 23, 2010
Reaction score
did u use the 1in or the 2in? and how much do u think it would take to do the whole exhaust?
Kinda a gray area here ... alot of people swear exhaust wrap will eventually make a header pipe crack... others think its awesome and some just like the way it looks... i personally have never ****** with it
fperri302 said:
Kinda a gray area here ... alot of people swear exhaust wrap will eventually make a header pipe crack... others think its awesome and some just like the way it looks... i personally have never ****** with it
Nicely put , Studys do show thinning of the pipe but thats at the hottest parts . From the begining to where it straightens out . I only use it in a small spot to keep my hydrolic clutch line off the pipe . I personaly dont think it would hurt anything if you used it on the straighter part of the exhaust . Also remember it holds water = rust.
50 ft 0f 1" if done correctly, get the spray on coqting that u put on after wrapping, ran on mud truck for long time cuts down under hood temps on that on so couldnt hurt bike, but may rust out lil bit quicker i never had problems and never really even cleaned them off