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they only way mine comes up in 1st is if i pull hard when gassing it..2nd i would have to stand on the grab bar and gas it....ive never tried clutching a wheelie...will my front end cume up easier just by gassing it once i get the supertrapp on it and re-jet?
well..i was out playin today and i guess mine comes up pretty good in 1st...and in would take one hell of a pull with just using the gas....anyhow when you 1st started to ride wheelies, did you tip all the way back sometimes?..and how hard was it to find that balance point....share some tips for us beginers...My biggest problem is worring about falling backwards..
The only time you need to worry about flipping backwards is while doing a speed wheelie. Otherwise your grab bar will stop the bike from going back all the way(in most cases). Once the grab bar is on the ground you have 2 options, hit the foot brake(which you will learn to use for wheelies) or by getting off the bike and pushing it forward.

Its hard to give tips. If you can watch a buddy that helps, but its your fear you need to get over. I don't use 1st gear at all, its a waste for wheelies(my opinion). Start by putting the quad in 2nd gear and give it a little gas and slowly release the clutch while lifting up. 2nd gear is longer then first so it will probably be easier to learn that way.

Once you get good at slow wheelies you will want more speed. Shifting during a wheelie is a bit more tricky. You will have to gas the quad and stand it up above the balance point then clutch and shift.

Thats how I learned, by starting off slow. If you are too scared to do that then try to stand on the grab bar. On the warrior this is easy however the stock raptor 350 grab bar doesn't really stick out far enough for a large foot. And last practice, go to an open field and just keep riding wheelies. You might want to start lifting weights becuase your arms will be hurting the next day ;)
well..i was out playin today and i guess mine comes up pretty good in 1st...and in would take one hell of a pull with just using the gas....anyhow when you 1st started to ride wheelies, did you tip all the way back sometimes?..and how hard was it to find that balance point....share some tips for us beginers...My biggest problem is worring about falling backwards..

BP is at about 10 o clock.. which is high compared to other quads.
i found it easier to have someone video tape me. wat u feel and what u see are totally different its easier if u can see how far u are actually going back. stand on the grab bar in 1st gear and purposely tip it on the grab bar to show yourself u wont flip over. this is what helped me