bad accel pump?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2010
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Essexvile, MICHIGAN!=)
all right i had my float bowl apart a couple days ago and the brass pice that shoots gas in the carb isnt working right. the i checked the accel pump and that was bent a little i put it back together and i was using my thumb to push the throttle were the cable hooks in ane the accel plunger was stickin. has this happend to any body els?any body kno how to fix it?
do the pen spring mod. the stock spring they put in there is completely useless and it sticking is a common problem.
^ yupp what he said. They also get caught up on the bowl gasket some times too. You might have to shave (very little) of the gasket where it goes around the accel plunger.
i did the pen spring but it still cuts out like the float is sticking its really weird. im gonna do a valve adjustment on sat i think if i just ride it in sted of piss around with the carb it will eventualy clean it out
i cant tell if the dam thig is getting to much fuel or starving its self. now it bogs down sputters pops and dies the ill let it sit and it will start back up like nothing ever happend. then it will do it againso idk ill take the float bowl back apart and adjust every thin back to normal. but the little brass stick in the entery of the carb isint shooting gas out like it should. and its prolly bad if the accel plunger is slightly tweaked
Maybe its getting hung up on the bowl gasket, i had to put mine back together and take it apart several times before the gasket would seat properly behind the plunger, then everything worked ok.... just my .02 cents
Is your problem at idle, off idle, half throttle or WOT???

I could not get my machine to do anything past 1/4 throttle it would cut right out and die unless i let off the throttle right away and let it idle again....

Yesterday i spent a good half hour fuxn with the accel plunger and finially got it functioning like i though it was supposed to but i knew i just had that feeling in the back of my mind that it still would not run right when back on the bike, but after reassembling it all i got on it, and man this mother rips again!!

These stupid accel pumps fux everything up! Makes jetting it way harder, if you think you have a jetting problem and you really dont then you will just dig yourself even deeper into being lost on jetting, and i have jetted many a bikes in my time and i still hate this POS! Just be patient and make sure its working properly before you mess with the jets at all....
P.S. it prob. is running out of fuel if your accel pump is malfunctioning.... These carbs are junk and cannot keep up fuel demands during a throttle stab....

Instead of having a proper working fuel system, yamaha decided to use this ****** idea (like many other ideas yamaha had - ask any blaster owner what they went through).....
id be willing to bet money its the pump, those are exactly what mine was doing 2 days ago, now it runs like a raped ape (for a warrior anyhow ;-) )
If you are referring to the one that the throttle arm pushes down then yes it comes out, it should be tapered and when it comes out check your spring too......
my dads buddy was over when we found it and since i wear FLY racing boots he told me i was promoting them. and i even got a kick out of it