Last month after riding my 99 wolvy, my friend say to me **when i follow you i view your left rear wheel wooble** What...after look i my rear left wheel i saw he say the truth my f*?(?( rear left wheel whooble...inside of me i probably the knuckle as bent . in the worse the wheel...But after jacking in my garage the rear of my wolvy i saw is the rear axle are've no jumping with my wolverine....what kind of rear axle in bubble gum are made..???
i live in canada and here the price for dura blue eliminator axle is 524$Do have member of woodwarrior he know a place he have big deal on durablue wheel axle and he ship in canada....i dont want to purchase another oem axle..if i have bent this one imagine with the new way i dont pay for another oem..
i live in canada and here the price for dura blue eliminator axle is 524$Do have member of woodwarrior he know a place he have big deal on durablue wheel axle and he ship in canada....i dont want to purchase another oem axle..if i have bent this one imagine with the new way i dont pay for another oem..