Cam break-in tips

Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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Jul 11, 2009
Reaction score
Its almost time to put the motor back in the bike. I was just wondering if you guys have any good tips for breaking in a camshaft. The card that came with the web cam said don't idle below 2000. Fresh oil and filter will be in the bike. Any good tips or tricks for a good break in?

One other quick question about jetting. The bike had a white brothers slip-on, pro flo with K&n, and i run the air box lid with the uni inserts. Where would be a good place to start with jetting once the cam is in(web cam grind 88) ?The bike came with a dynotune stage2 kit and I have all the jets that came with the kit. Currently it has the 148 main and the pilot is stock?

Thanks for fast responses and all the help.
I have no luck with the search function on this forum. From what I see, this forum, like many other forums numerous posts are spent answering the same questions a million times and I apologize for adding to this. If anyone could help by posting a thread I will greatly appreciate it. Because when I search only my post comes up. (And have had it look with in 180days)
Thanks for the break-in link i really appreciate it. Any tips for the jetting?
well thanks for all the help. I suppose once I get all the jetting straightened out I ll post up to actually help some people out instead of mocking them for asking questions that everyone but them seems to know the answers to. I guess this is like every other forum were people will take twice as long to give someone a hard time instead of taking 2 seconds to give someone a starting point.
Thank you for an actual answer. What do you think for a pilot. Think stock with playing the the mixture screw or should I just go one size up. I am trying not to lay the bike any longer than I have to and no real local shops so I have to order off the net.
greevy12 said:
well thanks for all the help. I suppose once I get all the jetting straightened out I ll post up to actually help some people out instead of mocking them for asking questions that everyone but them seems to know the answers to. I guess this is like every other forum were people will take twice as long to give someone a hard time instead of taking 2 seconds to give someone a starting point.

Ok, I was going to just keep quiet but i'm getting sick of this ****. People like you come onto a free forum and feel like you're entitled to other people going out of their way to help you, by answering questions that you could very easily look up yourself in less time that it will take somebody else to answer for you. That's just plain ******* lazy, and pretty self centered to expect people to do that when you have never made any positive contributions to the site. It's fine if people come onto the site and use information without making their own positive contributions to it, but it really bothers me when they do **** like you just did and EXPECT immediate help, do you think that any of us actually owe you anything? If you look around and actually read old posts I think you'll discover that we have no problem helping out and answering questions when it's not the same damn question over and over again. It get's pretty old and repetitive, and keep in mind that everybody on here is doing this in their own free time. Who wants to spend their free time helping out people that are too lazy to even try to find the answer for themselves first?

Do you feel like a dick yet? Or should I continue to explain to you how you should be grateful for any help that you get, and not bitch about any responses that you get because they're not what you wanted to hear?

• you could very easily look up yourself in less time that it will take somebody else to answer for you.
• look around and actually read old posts I think you'll discover that we have no problem helping out and answering questions when it's not the
• same damn question over and over again. It get's pretty old and repetitive

yeah we could even post in a sticky that you should start with a 150 main jet and the stock pilot or maybe a size bigger and still no one would read it... heck we could put it in the "welcome letter" that the website automatically sends and people would look over look it... i actually have it tatooed to my forehead and still people ask what jets i think they should run

ps welcome to the site, read around a little and im sure you learn more than you ever wanted to know about the overweight battle tank that is a yamaha warrior

edit: in his defense the only reason (besides it being a new post) i clicked on this thread was because it asked about cam break in tips.... i've not seen that discussed her very often, but i guess i even missed that...
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i didnt fit it, the tatoo artist did... i think he said it was 8pt type... then again maybe thats why no one can read it