Does anyone have any flow numbers for the stock head? I'm using dyno2003 and it only does .050 and seat-to-seat. It calculates the ramp rate based on the seat-to-seat and .050 specs. I feel I could compare cams pretty well if I had better flow data.
I've been thinking about the monster lifts megacycle has for a good while now... As about all megacycle cams have huge lifts. What I've come up with is that the peak lift is unimportant, as you pointed out, but what comes along with high peak lift is also higher lift earlier and later in the cycle. Ideally, we'd want full lift as soon as the valve is called to open, but that's not possible. So, my best guess as to why the designer of megacycle's cams always has huge lifts is 1) To get more lift all thru the duration. 2) Not have a flat top on the cam for the follower to "fly" above the lobe and crash back down (ie wear). Since, on the phone, she said his ramp rates were "secret" and developed to give high lift with little wear. I put 2 n 2 together.....
Anyway, that's my guess.... How does that sound?
I ran into this problem on the old 230 quadsports.... They don't flow any better after .280 lift, yet megacycle has a .400 and .430 lift cam for them.