CDI may be bad

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Sep 30, 2011
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Daphne, Al
I've been fixing my ignition system for a while. I've replaced the coil, solenoid, and ignition switch. Still not getting a spark. The manual tells me to ohm out the cdi from the white/green wire to the red wire. It completely open. I also ohmed out the blue to yellow and it is open. Does that mean I need to replace the CDI? I hope not, that thing is pretty expensive. I want to have all my bases covered before I replace it.
what you need to do is ohm your stator. they are common to go out, where as cdi's dont normally. In fact the only true way to test for a bad cdi is get a known good one and see if it fires.
what you need to do is ohm your stator. they are common to go out, where as cdi's dont normally. In fact the only true way to test for a bad cdi is get a known good one and see if it fires.
even if your stator checks out on the meter find a buddy with a working stator and try his ive had many stators test good but actually cause the problem
I've been fixing my ignition system for a while. I've replaced the coil, solenoid, and ignition switch. Still not getting a spark. The manual tells me to ohm out the cdi from the white/green wire to the red wire. It completely open. I also ohmed out the blue to yellow and it is open. Does that mean I need to replace the CDI? I hope not, that thing is pretty expensive. I want to have all my bases covered before I replace it.
what year is your quad maybe i have a cdi and i would sell it for 20 if you pay for shipping to
Bryan it's a 1990 350. Do you know how to check the stator. The manual only tells you how to test the cdi magneto coupler, or is that the same thing.