chain question

Yamaha Raptor 350 & Warrior Forum

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OK so it's still a o-ring but the shape of the rubber is a t or x shape now it all makes sense I was thinking a little different if I could draw on my screen I would show you what I was thinking or maybe you already know lol

Lol.. Yah I didn't explain it very well.
A picture is worth a thousand words. :tup:
^^^^ LMFAO!!! so I ain't the only one lol
but my sick mind is from to much sun today what's your excuse?
probaly the same cuz i was out workin on a vehicle in the sun today lol the F'in flys wouldn't leave us alone and my legs felt like a baked chip lol
On the beach at the lake from noon til 6pm today fricken hornets and horse flies and Hot chicks in bikinis oh **** did I say my wife was there too? oh well