The clutch cover was a little expensive because the paint had to be removed, there is a lot of prep work (lots of spots that cant be chromed), and its ruff metal so it had to be polished as well. The quality of the chrome work is excellent and FLAWLESS; a perfect mirror shine.
That all depends on the part (how big it is) and the quality of the chromer. This chromer is excellent and this work will NOT come off easy at all due to wear and tear. I have seen some cheap chrome work and it looks like **** and damages easily. This chromer also owns a motorsports shop so he knows what he’s doing (like what cant be chromed what needs to be protected etc..). As far as how much it would cost if you prepped everything (removing paint, nicks, and buffing/polishing) that is up to the chromer; I really couldn't answer that - way to many variables (size of the item, his prep work, etc...).