Well-Known Member
cdi,stator,starter/killswitch/low/high beam switch. all should work for my 98 im assuming. lmk
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cdi,stator,starter/killswitch/low/high beam switch. all should work for my 98 im assuming. lmk
I have all that but you'd prolly be in the same boat as you are now due to them being off my 92 that was giving me almost the same issuedammmittt alright man thanks anyways.
Has to be 01 or older 02 stator wont work on a 98 wiring harness is different I think cdi tooWell ima get them off my buddys I think 2000 or 02 and see what exactly I need. Everything should work huh?
Has to be 01 or older 02 stator wont work on a 98 wiring harness is different I think cdi too