Well-Known Member
Been outta town since Thursday so it may be at my front door, we shall find out tonight!
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This is an old thread dont think hes making them anymore ebay has some from the swingarm shop. A few people have them and there like 200-250 no carrierFor your price of 425. that dose not include the carrier correct?
I say warrior only because i use my elite warrior as a Jig to line the chain and every thing up. As long as the raptor 350 swing arms are exactly the same then yes they can be used for the raptor but im not 100% on that because i dont know anyone close that has a raptor 350 to measure or compare to.
They can be made to any length, but if someone ones a crazy long one then the price will increase since theres more tubing involved
Raptor swing arm is exactly the same
How much would you charge to do one with a stock carrier in about the +2 range?
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what carrier do you use
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Did ya put a +10 on the RM80? :slayer: