I am posting this thread because their doesn't seem to be a lot of
Of info on the web about porting yamaha warrior cylinder heads in particular
In the past i have done a alot on high performance vw watercooled engines and have custom cast turbo manifolds. it seems to be all to common to hear oh ya i had
My head port and polished. But when asked they have know idea if it improved the flow
Or not, or how much cfm it flows or whats the port velocity.
A lot of people seem very clueless. Well i had it port and polished so it must be
Good right? I have an 01 warrior and when I first saw
The insides of the ports my first thoughts were, there is room for a lot
Of improvement. So I am going to do some r&d work on the warrior
Cylinder head and see what kind of improvements i can make and keep everyone posted
On the development.
Of info on the web about porting yamaha warrior cylinder heads in particular
In the past i have done a alot on high performance vw watercooled engines and have custom cast turbo manifolds. it seems to be all to common to hear oh ya i had
My head port and polished. But when asked they have know idea if it improved the flow
Or not, or how much cfm it flows or whats the port velocity.
A lot of people seem very clueless. Well i had it port and polished so it must be
Good right? I have an 01 warrior and when I first saw
The insides of the ports my first thoughts were, there is room for a lot
Of improvement. So I am going to do some r&d work on the warrior
Cylinder head and see what kind of improvements i can make and keep everyone posted
On the development.