Good sketches!

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warpig got any pics! i love striping! tried my hand at it for a bit... then gave up hahaha
Welp, Here is some of my VERY OLD sketch related stuff. Either from high school or college. These all at one point started out as a basic sketch. Now a days its all graphic design/computer based stuffs, a lot of which you guys might have seen from time to time, but anyways, sketch stuff.......












That Morrison one is ******* awesome! Ill try to get some of my striping pics up if I can get photobucket to work....photobucket mobile SUX!!!! Cant get it to do anything. Ill try later
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That Morrison one is ******* awesome! Ill try to get some of my striping pics up if I can get photobucket to work

Thnaks man. I had a bit of a Doors obsession for a while. I kinda still do. I've since covered it with a piece of acrylic and added to it. Here's a pic from an Art show it was in. It now is up in the attic collecting dust with most all my other art. Some of it is hanging throughout the house though.

I too have a slight doors thing. I was really into them for a while. Still thing thay are one if the best bands ever. Five to one or roadhouse blues are my jams! If Im drunk and five to one comes on im up on tables singing!
[/IMG] only one I could find. This is my paint box with crappy lettering job
I can draw fairly well. If I devoted some time to it I'd do well. My mom can draw like it's no one's business. She drew this about a year ago in about a half hour.


This isn't her best. If she dug out what she has stored away, I could show ya the Hobbit house she drew with pencil. Talk about detail! She drew lots of Lord of the Rings pictures and characters from her minds eye long before I was born. She was really proud of herself that her drawings looked nearly exact to what they did in the movie.
Yeah Pat if you look at her lines you can tell she can draw,, see the crispness to her lines they are not jittery or id say jaged, smooth lines shows steady hands..
Nice 87warrior,, the second pic reminds me of my 2000 Extreme S-10,,just paint it black and make it extended cab,,haha
I too have a slight doors thing. I was really into them for a while. Still thing thay are one if the best bands ever. Five to one or roadhouse blues are my jams! If Im drunk and five to one comes on im up on tables singing!

HAH, same here man. fav band by far. I have all there stuff on vinyl in my collection, all OP's and all in plastic. Only band in my collection that gets the special treatment. hah. K-RA-O-KA, the doors are my go to. But anyways, back on topic.