Well-Known Member
just joking man. ive gone on 4 hours of sleep before (and less, sometimes no sleep) and its not a good thing! i can get really cranky. ive got my dog over here tonight (normally lives at my girlfriend's house) so im sure she will be kicking me during the night and waking me up! she's already taken her spot right in the middle of the bed with her head on what she THINKS is her pillow! lol she so damn human! nah im not worried about being able to get up by noon, but im sure i could sleep that long if i didnt get woken up a bunch of times each morning. it seems like every morning my supervisor at work calls me (weekdays) to ask me something or tell me something ****** stupid. my girlfriend is starting to think things! lol then there's my parents moving around in the morning, the phone ringing, my 3 birds chirping (actually screaming sometimes) so im usually lucky if i can get to sleep in until 10:30 or 11. yeah i know im lazy, but its breaktime from school and i dont have to work tomorrow, so i can actually sleep in. its kinda weird working nights on weekends (well thursday, friday, and saturday nights into sunday afternoon and monday evenings) but i get to sleep at work so its pretty cool. well, i gotta kick the dog out of my spot. have a good night on the net! oh, btw, i got aim but whenever i get on there you are away. you told me to get on there for some reason, but i didnt know why. pm me and let me know. later