Hello from Illinois

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May 6, 2020
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Hey all, new here... I'm from East Central Illinois. I picked up a 2002 warrior that was beat on and I'm in the process of rebuilding the engine. I knew the piston grenaded and it caused extensive damage. Hopefully i can find all the parts i need. So far it looks like i need a new case as both sides have a new hole under the crank. Also the cylinder/jug is gouged beyond repair. I've been checking fleabay but can't seem to find a left side crankcase half. Plenty of right side case halves on there.. Not sure what's up with that? Obviously I'll need a new crank, rod, piston and bearings all around. Hopefully she'll live again!

Just wanted to check in and say hey!

Cylinder should still be save able you just might need to bored little more then one step up .80 is 366cc and 2mm over over stock is the head still good ? ... and I'll see what I can locate for you
Thanks for the link.. it would work, but kinda too far for me. Mine is a 2002 but i would settle for something close to that range. I'm pretty sure they're all close to being the same. The late 80's are a tiny bit different. I live on the east of Illinois pretty much in the middle of the state line between Illinois and Indiana.
Yeah, that's correct. But the case on the older 87/88 etc ones look just a little different cosmetically but essentially are the same. I just noticed the oil pump housing looks different between the older and newer.
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the oil pump is on the clutch side behind the clutch cover.... the oil filter cover has gear pattern on it in 87-88 but is the same and 87-88s have a pull start as well but almost all of the yfm pull start will bolt on all years also the bear oil cooler set up will bolt on
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Also 87-88 have a different value exhaust valve cover with lever and rocker arm for decompression and almost for forgot about rotors or mags they change throughout the years with the electrical as 87 88 have 2 pick up coils but I'm unsure of the year ranges on that at the min
Wow, nice! Thanks for the info. I did something a little daring... As i wanted to save some coin. I'm talking i saved $250. Before i go about this, I'm going to do some serious measuring and test fitting just to be sure. But since i could not find the case halves i was looking for (without spending $300+), i found a complete 2001 case for a big Bear 350. The only difference i tell..is where the sprocket is. You all know the big Bear is shaft driven. So we'll see how this goes . Looks close enough, but until i measure and test..
Looks like the big Bear case uses a different sized bearing for the output axle. It also has different offsets inside for gear positioning. Crap. Back to the drawing board
This is the reason I'm looking for a case. Under the crank is a large hole. I see the oil pump passage goes through this section so i don't imagine it would be ok as is. What does that section of case actually do?
You should be able to look at early model Raptor 350 motors for parts as well. pretty sure they were the same as your 2002. Mines a 2000 and I put a new 2006 Raptor cylinder head on it. I haven't really kept up with them lately so not really sure how many years into the Raptor line up you can go or if they have changed anything at all. I usually go to someplace like partzilla.com where you can pull up the exploded views and compare parts between models. you would be surprised what will cross between models and different years.
You should be able to look at early model Raptor 350 motors for parts as well. pretty sure they were the same as your 2002. Mines a 2000 and I put a new 2006 Raptor cylinder head on it. I haven't really kept up with them lately so not really sure how many years into the Raptor line up you can go or if they have changed anything at all. I usually go to someplace like partzilla.com where you can pull up the exploded views and compare parts between models. you would be surprised what will cross between models and different years.

I've been looking. There's even less raptor cases. . I'd like to know what this broken part of my case is actually for and if it's ok to just patch it up and go. Probably not because it's on the backside of the oil pump but who knows.
Everytime I've seen that happen to a warrior it's been because of a broken rod ... they must have opened it after buying parts and just slapped it back together
The piston was in fragments in the bottom of the case. The rod is still there in one piece but the bearing is trashed and basically non existent. I can tell the rod is what caused the damage. Parts are more expensive for this thing than i first thought!

The previous owner told me he ripped on it pretty hard, all the time. Said he beat the hell out of it.

I plan to take better care of it. I already have a good amount invested for only starting out as a $100 atv! Lol Ending up costing quite a bit more.