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get a Photobucket account then you can post as many as you want without using the forum pics thing
If yo got a android or other smart phone get the free photobucket app makes things so much easier
Question!!!! i read threw the shocks section alittle but mi curiuse are the front shocks two different lengths?? i ask cuz when i got my warrior i noticed a shock was doing nothing so before i found this site i got some used off ebay and one is about 1/2'' shorter than the other, but the ones on the 4wheeler seemed two different sizes also so i changed them and now my wright wheel top edge goes in like the shock is to long??? Anybody no why or did they send me two different shocks saying they both came off the same bike..
this is the best i can do wright now, still working on the photobucket thing..
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looks like that upper right(sitting on it)A-arm is not evenly parallel with the lower A-arm like the left side arms
something is defiantly not right
maybe switch the shocks around and see if it changes sides then you know it's that 1 shock they both look the same and are warrior shocks
Yeah ill try that,, i no from looking at it today that in the pic the wright outter tierod is bent alittle just the threaded shaft were it screws into the rod part but should cause the wright tire in the pic to be turned outward but its the left side (in the pic) thats tilting the top of the wheel inward like the shock is to long,, ill try to swich them tomoorow when i get home from work and see if it helps...
check the pre-load l.. but look at the top of the springs hauler im pretty sure they are different ... maybe not tho could be turned
yeah it's turned bones but yeah forgot about the preload that right one could be set a notch or 2 stiffer
i too thought the springs wereto different ones but i pushed down on the front evenly and ther
y went down evenly..PS i did the photobucket thing but i have no idea how to post my pics from it yet,, i got some close ups of those wheels on there too YAMAHAULER!!!
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left click on the picture IMG Code then come back here and right click and paste
you can only do 1 pic at a time but you can post them all in one post here
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frickin sweet i got it,,,, do i have to have my pictures set to public or can i do it without, im not sure i want everyone on the net to view them..
cool,, hay i dont have any snow pics but maybe you should start a thread in the pics section of Snow pics!!! i no my wife would love to see them,, she loves snow,, personally i hate the cold but owell..
Yeah I'm gonna take the 02 out in the back yard and take a few pics here in a bit so stay tuned