I like it but you can tell its just sheet metal bolted on a stock hood and i think a little higher would be cooler too. I may try and make another mold if i get time
its not finished gosh!! its not going to be metal its going to be plastic that can be hydro dipped
[here is a link to youtube if you dont know what hydro dipping is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJf4Igfxa00 ]
heres the pics of it setting on the bike
i put blue tape on the vertical part inside the scoop so you could se just how tall the scoop is
yep its really cool process and its really pritty in expencive and you can dip just about anything im planning on being able to do hydro dipping within the next month or so max
ya thats one desighn there is litterally hundreds of prints from camo to lightning US flags snakes skines croc skinns flames ect ect its all done with the same process i just like the carbon fiber look best IMO
hydrodipping is the ****, most bows are dipped, It's strong and flexable and you can do it to anything, peeps have guns, car parts, my bro has a fishing pole that has been dipped camo. designs are endless.