I have an idea...

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Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2009
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I was thinking how fun it would be to ride from cleveland to sandusky..spend the night.. wake up go to cedar point...spend the night and ride home the next morning...on ATVs.. for those that dont know ohio its about 60-65 miles using normal roads..

my next thought was how would we find trails to get there that were reasonable straight and safe for most atv riders.

and lastly, besides the atv'ers who would benefit from this type of pathway?

well i did a little research and if we had the blessing from the metroparks/ power companies/ department of transportation and maybe a private land owner here and there a trail could be mapped to do this that would provide a fun ride that was safe enough for most riders.

of course the benefits to the ATV'ers is obvious.. but area bike/parts shops, convenient stores, law enforcement (for idiots acting dumb), and other destination areas along the way would experience in a little outside revenue boost. but on the flip side people think ORV they think beer drinking, littering, bareback sex parties, who will police the areas, and eventually crime. Not to mention accidents, injury, and the risk of death.

I know atvs can be driven on the road way in certain circumstances following applicable laws.. so this idea isn't too far out there.. I think its a good way to bring some $ into the depressed area of northern Ohio and give a few people jobs....

so i ask of this forum.. what do you think? pros and cons? anything like this in your area? what works what querks? any feedback at all is appreciated, if we get a good enough argument going Ill start knocking on some doors and see if some of the major land owners are willing to spend a minute to hear me out....

who knows we could open YFM350 "Power to the Point" Atv tours.
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Sounds bad ass dude! Think a big ride could come of it.

You should post the idea up on OMR and get there reactions too. Its an all Ohio based ATV forum.
Its a good idea, thats actually how the local trail system around here was done. It may take time to get everyone on board, but once it gets going they wont regret it. As for policeing the trail, around here some of the trails are actually policed by the land owners and by the people that keep them groomed. I think the land owners had to take a small class threw the dnr to do it if i remember.
Its a good idea, thats actually how the local trail system around here was done. It may take time to get everyone on board, but once it gets going they wont regret it. As for policeing the trail, around here some of the trails are actually policed by the land owners and by the people that keep them groomed. I think the land owners had to take a small class threw the dnr to do it if i remember.

the DNR would be a good person to have in your corner..thanks for the info!
we would have to partner up wiht some hotel/motels that offer some type of security.. ie a tree to chain them too or ideally a parking garage...hell you can fit about 4 in a 12 x 20 space charge 5 bucks a day for parking it in there and you can make 100 bucks a week for nothing but parking lot space..
that would call for an overnight on the trail.. woudl be fun..depending on the season. .haha