I think I fudged up

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In that pic of the cam, I may be mistaken but it looks like those threads are screwed up too, looks like it pulled on that bolt or the cam gear under stress and in turn either pulled threads, or broke part of the shoulder where the cam bolt tightens down.
The bolt holding the cam sprocket on was very loose when I took it out. And where is the long black piece supposed to go? It was just chillin in there when I pulled the jug off. It was not attached to anything.
What long black piece? If you look back at your bolt pic with the cam gear, those wo long bolts and the shorter can bolt? That small curved looking broke part, that goes in the hole where the cam gear bolt goes in, when the bolt tightens down there is a shoulder it tightens against. Thats where that piece goes, it looks like the can gear wither got jerked, stopped or skipped time, or either the bolt came loose, thus everything else fell in line. There could be even smaller pieces down inside the case, it won't take much at all for something to get into a spot like a bearing and keep something from rolling.
Yours is one year newer so it should fit, if you wanted to swap cases. I can't say for sure just taking a guess, one of the other guys that know the years can say for sure if it will.
Ask about the JB weld and why it is there. If they are an honest seller, they will tell you up front.
The engine cases are all identical from 87 to the last year of the warrior. Hell even the raptor 350 cases are identical. The only difference in all the years on the motors was the stators and if memory serves me right 95 has the same as 94 I think. Dont quote me on that part though, you could go on rmstator to verify stator wiring.
The black piece I was talking about is in the first pick on top of the timing chain. I guess its like a chain guide. How difficult is it to swap cases? I've never been that far into a motor before.
Ask about the JB weld and why it is there. If they are an honest seller, they will tell you up front.

I can tell you that, someone didnt watch chain tension, the chain popped of and cracked that part of the chain quard off. Very common issue, but usually it breaks into enough pieces that you cant do that or breaks it flush with the main part of the case.

I would use the best offer option and see how much cheaper you could get it. If your offers lower than he is willing to go he will counter offer.
That black peice your talking about is the forward chain guide there is a v shaped place in the bottomend and one in the topend when you torque the head onto the bottom end it hold it all in really tight so its perfecly fine that it "was just chilling there"
The reason I would swap cases is because the one is damaged and fixed with JB weld.

Thanks duneracer for answering the chain guide question.

I offered on another motor but it was fairly low so we will see how it goes.
I offered 400 on the motor I posted the link for and he accepted. Kinda wish I would have offered lower now. lol. I looked up the VIN and this frame is a 98. So can I swap the stator over? What else has to be changed?
Well I got it running real good and....sold it! I put $1173 into it. Probably 1200 including small things like oil and hardware. I was hard up for money so I sold it for 1200. So I guess I got to rent an atv for a few solid weekends of riding and got my money back. I can still make a profit on the deal if I can sell the old motor. The bottom end is free but the head is shot. I'm rambling, but I just wanted to share with you guys that with your guys help I put a band-aid over the boo boo I made this summer. I'm already looking for another one to buy dirt cheap and fix up. This time I will be a little more cautious of what i am buying.
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I didnt do a whole lot cosmetically but it ran very well. The guy I sold it to didnt even try to talk me down. Just handed me cash. Should've asked more!
Just some black spray paint, $10 yard of vinyl for the seat, and lots of soap and degreaser. Oh and the $1173 includes the price of the quad. :) ..If anyone was wondering.
not sure what part of mo you are from but ive found several warriors on craigslist for $500-$1000 around springfield in the past year