im gay

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i'm gay. not him. you guys have seen his gf. to get a girl like that you can't be.
sure you can :p itd a good cover up ..... not sure which on you you *******s posted this one lol
[quote:r79bu9w6][quote author=xkingraptor350x board=general thread=1142888610 post=1142911134]]

I'm gay and I don't mind strait people, I just don't like to be hit on by them.

You can tell that wasn't me typing it. You want to know how? I know how to spell Straight** correctly.
Some may have never been. Probably seen it on their schedule and thought it was pronounced "street", so they're standing in the road for that
I read that gay men like to stick their dicks into other guys *****, is that really true? I cant believe any man would do something that gross, sick, and disgusting. If true does that mean all **** are fecalphiliacs (people who derive sexual pleasure from playing with ****) or are they just mentally defective? I dont care what Hollywood says, that gay **** is wrong and all **** should be locked up in psychiatric hospitals until they are cured- at least AIDS cases would go down.
LOL 2xtreme.

Chitownpete, I'm hoping there is some form of sarcasm in there. While I may not understand how some guy can look at anothers' hairy ass and get excited, I won't ridicule them for it - so long as they keep their hands off of my ass.

At the same time, I can hardly agree that locking them all up in a psyche ward would do any good, let alone reduce the spread of AIDS. HIV/AIDs has worked it's way into the system to the point that it's far beyond simply affecting homosexuals. As unfortunate as it may be, safe sex and regular testing is about thing, besides abstinance, that will reduce the spread... and I don't forsee either of those things happening anytime soon.
allright guys...leave it alone...he isnt gay (he has a G/F and there verry happ with each other) and im not gay either (single but looking)...and this was a joke as payback for what he did in the post with his G/F in it
I was kidding about the Psych ward thing, but lets face it, its mostly a gay disease (almost forgot about the junkies). At least its 100 percent preventable and you wont get it unless you knowingly take a stupid risk (at which point you dont deserve any sympathy).
chitownpete, babies are born with it everyday at no fault of their own. People have been known to get it from helping others in emergencies as well. So not everyone is a junkie or gay that has it.
And also don't forget about the people that get it from the rare occasions where someone would get it from rapes, fights (blood from the other person onto you), being spit on (the eye is a pathway for the HIV virus strain to enter. happened to my friends buddy that was with him overseas in the marines) There are countless ways to get HIV which leads to aids at a 98.9-99.9%.
You don't just get aids, you get the Human Immuno Virus which lowers your Immune system which then can let AIDS and other stuff be contracted by you. When you have AIDS it's actually very very rare for you to die just from sheer AIDS, you normally end up dieing from complications from pneumonia, strep, or even the common cold since your body can't fight it off, and there isn't anything to do since your body can't help the medicine the docs give you to fight it off.
Please look into something before you speak about it. Not only does it make you seem pompous, but it makes us (me mostly, I can't speak for others) second guess the next few things that come out of your mouth.
p.s. And honestly if you think being gay can be "cured" then I think you may be the one who should check into the psych ward, they have proven via cat scans that the brain in a gay man is comparable to those in a hetero woman. (I'm straight by the way, I just know a few gay people, spend 3-4 years going to clubs 3+ nights a week, and you'll meet some.)